Save time with a modern driving school management software

Our management software make it easy for you to save several hours of work every day for you or your office manager. It automate administrative tasks while allowing you to exercise full control and have full visibility on your driving school.

  • Manage all of your classes through our calendar

    Der Intelligenten Fahrschul-Kalender von ClickClickDrive

    You can view all scheduled classes or filter by instructor, type or classes or vehicule. You can create apointments in a few clicks and easily drag and drop them like in google calendar. You have full view and full control over your driving school

  • See and collect payments in a few clicks

    Anzeigen von allen erfolgten und noch offenen Zahlungen von Fahrschüler

    By hovering on apointments, you can see how much each class cost and the balance of the student making it easy to collect payments. You can simply click on pay and register the student payment in two clicks. This automatically update the student balance. You can see all the history of the student classes in payment in the student's profile

  • Automate admin work

    Automatisieren Sie Ihre Administrative Büroarbeit

    All classes are automatically imported in the Ausbildungnachweis. No need to update manually your documents, they are always kept up to date when you add or cancel a class. You can also enter the students that attended each theory classes which will also be added to the Ausbildungnachweis

  • Have all documents at your fingertips

    Alle Fahrschüler Relevanten Dokumente selber generieren

    All of the documents such as contracts, ausbildungnachweis and many more are automatically pre-filled in saving you time. You can also upload your own documents or terms and conditions to have them easily available for print

Manage your driving school

You can keep full visibility and control of your driving school, from your employees to your finances. Our software

  • Manage your finances

    Verwalten Sie Ihre Finanzen. Alle Kosten Ihre Fahrschule auf einen Blick

    You can automate all financial aspects of your driving school. You can create invoices in a few clicks. You can track and manage all revenue and expenses of your driving school. You can exportt all the data required for your accountant to make his job easier

  • Manage your instructors

    Verwalten Sie die Arbeitszeit Ihre Fahrlehrer. Tagesnachweis für jeden Fahrlehrer

    You have full control over your instructors. You can manage their working hours, compensation, set-up break between classes, holidays and much more. You can also automatically see and print all the tagesnachweis for each instructor

  • Manage access rights

    Zugriffsrechte verwalten mit der Fahrschulverwaltungssoftware von ClickClickDrive

    You can choose what each person can see in the management software. You can allow or restrict access to different part of your software. You can for example only make financial data available to you but not to your office manager.

Make it easy for instructors

With the instructor app, your instructors will have access to all the information they need to teach effectively to your students

  • Instructor schedules

    Fahrlehrer PläneFahrlehrer PläneFahrlehrer Pläne

    Instructors can use our iOS or Android app to see all their schedules. No need to print or update schedules, all are directly synced with the management software. Each instructor can see the overview and details of his students

  • Collect payments

    Zahlvorgänge registrierenZahlvorgänge registrierenZahlvorgänge registrieren

    Each instructor can easily see the price of each class and the student balance, allowing them to collect student payments when the office is closed

  • Check student history

    Überprüfen Sie die FahrschülershistorieÜberprüfen Sie die FahrschülershistorieÜberprüfen Sie die Fahrschülershistorie

    Instructors can esily see the history of each student, all the classes the student took and his progress

  • Track learning progress

    Digitales AusbildungsdiagrammDigitales AusbildungsdiagrammDigitales Ausbildungsdiagramm

    With each class, instructors can note what the student learned directly in the student's skill diagram allowing him to see student progress at each class

Make it easy for students

Make it easy for student to track their classes and their progress

  • See schedule

    Kalender und UnterrichtsplanKalender und UnterrichtsplanKalender und Unterrichtsplan

    Students can see all of their schedules directly in our app. You can allow them to schedule additional classes directly through our app and can then approve their requests. You keep full control of what the student can do. Students can also see all theory classes that are available in your driving school

  • Receive notifications

    Benachrichtigungen erhaltenBenachrichtigungen erhaltenBenachrichtigungen erhalten

    Our system automatically send notifications one day and also one hour before each class. No need to send SMS or reminders to students, it will decrease the number of students forgetting their classes and making your life easier

  • Chat with your office manager

    Chatten mit der BüroleitungChatten mit der BüroleitungChatten mit der Büroleitung

    You can allow students to chat directly with your office manager through the app. It's a simple way to have all of your communication through our app and management software. Students can also use that to send or receive documents.

Die einzige Software die Sie benötigen

Wir bieten Ihnen ein komplettes, für Fahrschulen entwickeltes Verwaltungssystem aus einer Hand und haben dabei stets an die einfache und schnelle Bedienbarkeit gedacht. Sie können unsere Software von überall und ganz einfach auf allen Endgeräten nutzen.

  • Zahlungsverwaltung

    Kontrolliere die Zahlungen deiner Fahrschüler und Alles andere was Sie verwalten wollen.

  • Generieren von Bescheinigungen

    Alle Bescheinigungen - auf Abruf in wenigen Sekunden

  • Rechnungsstellung mit einem Click

    Rechnungsversand & Erinnerungen via eMail

  • Fahrstundenplaner (Fahrlehrer / Studenten)

    Einfaches Planen von anstehenden Terminen

  • Flottenmanagement (Reparatur / Versicherung / Tank)

    Vergessen Sie niemals eine anstehende Inspektion

  • Kalender Zugriff von überall

    Jeder Fahrschüler und Fahrlehrer hat durchgehend Zugriff auf einen gemeinsamen Kalender

  • Transparente Preise

    Keine versteckten Kosten für Wartung, Updates der Software und Support.

  • Datensicherheit und Cloud-Speicher

    Datenzugriff von überall bei Gewährleistung von höchster Datensicherheit

Die Fahrschulverwaltungssoftware von ClickClickDrive!

Our prices

Monthly59 EURplus VAT
  • Free software updates
  • Unlimited number of driving instructors
  • Free data import
per year708 EUR549 EURplus VAT
  • Free software updates
  • Unlimited number of driving instructors
  • Free data import