School Fahrschule Fair Care Wilhelmsburg 1

Fahrschule Fair Care

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BB AutomatikBEIntensive classesFemale instructorOnline learningFirst aidGermanTurkishAudiVW

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040 - 46 86 62 02

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Weißes Auto auf einer Landstraße mit einem Fahrschulschild

Driving schools nearby

The strengths of the driving school

BB AutomatikBE

LIcense classes the school provides teaching for

Intensive classes

You can pass your classes in 2 weeks.

Female instructor

You can request a female instructor.

Online learning

Some of the school lessons can be passed online.

First aid

School conducts first aid tranings that can help you in on-road emergencies.


You can take theory and practical hours in these languages.


Car brands that the school provides for you to practice during driving lessons for license class B

Payment types you can select from to pay for school services

Alter Postweg 33, Wilhelmsburg
040 - 46 86 62 02


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4.8of 5

475 Reviews



Total rating is calculated from two ratings. The first rating is ClickClickDrive rating and the second one is Google rating.

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