
Question: 1.1.06-129-M

4 Points

Licenses: Basic material

You want to overtake. What should you be prepared for now?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. [The cyclist] directly in front of me, stops on the roadway
  • B. [The] [cyclist] in the distance pulls out to the left
  • C. [The blue car] overtakes me

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Correct answer

  • A. [The cyclist] directly in front of me, stops on the roadway
  • B. [The] [cyclist] in the distance pulls out to the left


The cyclist directly in front of you wants to cross onto the pedestrian path, in order to cross the kerb the cyclist will most likely stop first. The distant cyclist shows by his hand gesture that he wants to move into the left turn lane.


Chapter 1.1.06

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