
Question: 1.1.07-101

4 Points

Licenses: Basic material

You wish to overtake a farm tractor with a mounted implement extending beyond its back. What must you remember?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. The mounted implement can swing out when the tractor turns off
  • B. The rear lights may be heavily soiled or concealed, making direction signals difficult or impossible to see when they are on
  • C. Farm tractors can always be overtaken safely due to their low speed

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Correct answer

  • A. The mounted implement can swing out when the tractor turns off
  • B. The rear lights may be heavily soiled or concealed, making direction signals difficult or impossible to see when they are on


You should always refrain from an overtaking maneuver when the tractor wants to turn. The reason for this is that the tractor has a large turning circle and is likely to veer, blocking the road. Also keep in mind that the turn signals of such a vehicle are not always visible and that they could be covered by dirt due to the agricultural use.

Special traffic situations

Chapter 1.1.07

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