
Question: 1.2.05-123

4 Points

Licenses: Basic material

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road. What is the right course of action?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. I look for hand signals from the driver indicating he wants to turn off
  • B. I maintain a sufficient amount of distance when pulling in again
  • C. I maintain the smallest possible side clearance

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Correct answer

  • A. I look for hand signals from the driver indicating he wants to turn off
  • B. I maintain a sufficient amount of distance when pulling in again


When overtaking a carriage, you must pay attention to hand signals from the coachman, who may give you separate instructions. Carriages should always be overtaken at a safe distance so as not to frighten the horse.


Chapter 1.2.05

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