
Question: 2.1.06-005-B

4 Points

Licenses: A A1 A2 AM B

Both cars are travelling at about 30 km/h. Are you allowed to overtake both before the bend?

Choose one or multiple correct answers

No, because

  • A. - the distance you need to overtake would be too great
  • B. - the light-coloured car could pull out to overtake
  • C. - you are not allowed to cross the broken line

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Correct answer

  • A. - the distance you need to overtake would be too great
  • B. - the light-coloured car could pull out to overtake


You may go over the broken line. An overtaking process would still be too dangerous here, because the manageable distance to overtake before the turn is too short. You also have to expect that the driver of the light car will start to overtake.


Chapter 2.1.06

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