
Question: 2.1.07-013

3 Points

Licenses: A A1 A2

What must be observed when several motorcycles are travelling together in a group?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. They should drive in a staggered formation when travelling on straight sections of road
  • B. The driving style of the group should be based on that of the least experienced motorcyclist
  • C. The group must remain together in every road traffic situation

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Correct answer

  • A. They should drive in a staggered formation when travelling on straight sections of road
  • B. The driving style of the group should be based on that of the least experienced motorcyclist


Drive in a staggered manner to avoid rear-end collisions caused by sudden braking. Group rides are not easy; if one driver makes a mistake, all the others have to react.

Special traffic situations

Chapter 2.1.07

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