
Question: 2.2.23-217

4 Points

Licenses: C L T C1E

You have installed a front-mounted, forward-extending attachment to your motor vehicle. What must you be aware of?

Choose one or multiple correct answers

I have to

  • A. - arrange for a suitable person to direct me in situations where my visibility is impaired
  • B. - take the modified vehicle dimensions into account while driving
  • C. - effectively cover the dangerous parts of the front-mounted attachment

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Correct answer

  • A. - arrange for a suitable person to direct me in situations where my visibility is impaired
  • B. - take the modified vehicle dimensions into account while driving
  • C. - effectively cover the dangerous parts of the front-mounted attachment


Because of your extensive forward front attachment you need to consider while driving the modified vehicle dimensions. can ward where visibility is restricted by an appropriate person and dangerous parts of the front mounted implement effective disguise. All three are correct.

Other duties of the driver

Chapter 2.2.23

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