
Question: 2.6.01-003

2 Points

Licenses: A A1 A2 B C C1 D D1 L T C1E D1E DE

How can you tell when you need to bring your vehicle in for its next vehicle roadworthiness test?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. By looking at the inspection tag on the rear license plate
  • B. By reading the entry made in the registration certificate Part I
  • C. By reading the entry in the operating manual for my vehicle

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Correct answer

  • A. By looking at the inspection tag on the rear license plate
  • B. By reading the entry made in the registration certificate Part I


The date for the next main inspection of your vehicle can be found in the certificate of registration part 1. In addition, the appointment is clearly visible on the inspection plate printed on your license plate.

Examination of the vehicles

Chapter 2.6.01

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