
Question: 2.6.02-409

4 Points

Licenses: C C1 C1E

What duties do you have when driving a commercial freight transport vehicle?

Choose one or multiple correct answers

I have to

  • A. - implement all the measures necessary to secure the load
  • B. - carry with me an accompanying document detailing the transported cargo, the place of loading and unloading and the instructing party
  • C. - create an accompanying document for the load

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Correct answer

  • A. - implement all the measures necessary to secure the load
  • B. - carry with me an accompanying document detailing the transported cargo, the place of loading and unloading and the instructing party


Your duties in a commercial freight are to take all necessary measures for securing the load and carry an accompanying document in which the transported goods, loading and unloading and the client are given.

Admission to road traffic, vehicle documents, driving licence

Chapter 2.6.02

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