
Question: 2.7.03-211

2 Points

Licenses: C D L T C1E DE

What is the function of a differential lock?

Choose one or multiple correct answers

A differential lock

  • A. - improves the traction during slow off-road driving and on slippery road surfaces
  • B. - distributes the drive torque evenly across the drive wheels
  • C. - improves handling during cornering

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Correct answer

  • A. - improves the traction during slow off-road driving and on slippery road surfaces
  • B. - distributes the drive torque evenly across the drive wheels


The differential lock distributes the drive torque evenly to the driving time, thereby preventing the compensation of the speed differences between the outer- and inner cam wheel. It improves traction considerably during slow off-road travel and slippery road surfaces.

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