
Question: 2.7.07-401

3 Points

Licenses: L T

Your tractor is equipped with a K 80 coupling system with manual locking. What must you ensure when coupling a trailer?

Choose one or multiple correct answers

I have to

  • A. - lock the retainer on the coupling system after coupling the trailer
  • B. - adjust the height of the trailer coupling on the relevant trailer
  • C. - lubricate the coupling system each time before using

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Correct answer

  • A. - lock the retainer on the coupling system after coupling the trailer
  • B. - adjust the height of the trailer coupling on the relevant trailer


You must lock the hold-down on the coupling system after coupling and adjust the height of the trailer coupling to the respective trailer. The system (K 80) does not require lubrication before each use.

Trailer coupling systems

Chapter 2.7.07

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