
Question: 1.1.09-001

4 Points

Licenses: Basic material GM classes

A motorist has had too much alcohol to drink and therefore must not drive. How is it not possible for him to recover his ability to drive in a short time?

Choose one or multiple correct answers


  • A. - sleeping for half an hour
  • B. - drinking two cups of strong coffee
  • C. - going for a walk for half an hour

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Correct answer

  • A. - sleeping for half an hour
  • B. - drinking two cups of strong coffee
  • C. - going for a walk for half an hour


After heavy consumption of alcohol, there's no quick way to restore your ability to drive. Neither sleeping nor walking is enough. The alcohol concentration in the blood also does not change by drinking strong coffee. The body breaks down only about 0.1 permille alcohol per hour.

Alcohol, drugs, medication

Chapter 1.1.09

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