
Question: 1.1.09-028

4 Points

Licenses: Basic material GM classes

Why is an individual unfit to drive after consuming the drug crystal meth?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. Because of the possibility of experiencing hallucinations
  • B. Because it is possible to over-estimate personal capabilities
  • C. Because of the possible sudden onset of fatigue

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Correct answer

  • A. Because of the possibility of experiencing hallucinations
  • B. Because it is possible to over-estimate personal capabilities
  • C. Because of the possible sudden onset of fatigue


"Crystal Meth" has a negative effect on the driving ability for the following reasons: The drug causes delusions. It caters the overestimation of one's own performance and sudden exhaustion. Even the consumption of small amounts makes you unfit for driving.

Alcohol, drugs, medication

Chapter 1.1.09

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