
Question: 2.1.03-115

4 Points

Licenses: B C C1 D D1 T C1E D1E DE

What is the right course of action?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. I continue slowing down
  • B. I wait before the obstruction
  • C. I switch to the left lane now

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Correct answer

  • A. I continue slowing down
  • B. I wait before the obstruction


There are two lanes in your direction of travel. You drive on the right side of the two tracks. In oncoming traffic, a snow plow truck approaches. You see in the mirror that a vehicle in the left lane next to you wants to overtake. Snowdrifts hinder you while driving on the lane. You cannot turn left unless the overtaking is completed. Therefore, you must delay further and wait in front of the obstacle until you can dodge to the left.

Road and weather conditions

Chapter 2.1.03

Choose the language