
Question: 2.1.08-030-M

3 Points

Licenses: A A1 A2 B

You want to leave the motorway. What is the right course of action?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. I use the speedometer to check my speed at short intervals
  • B. I reduce my speed now
  • C. I reduce my speed only once I am at the turn

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Correct answer

  • A. I use the speedometer to check my speed at short intervals
  • B. I reduce my speed now


As soon as you have entered the deceleration lane, you should brake. If you brake before entering the deceleration lane, you will unnecessarily interfere with traffic on the motorway. You should check your speedometer more often to make sure you are not entering the bend too fast. On motorways, there is a danger that you will get too used to the high speed and therefore enter an exit too fast. If you were to slow down at the turn, you would not be able to reduce your speed in time. In general, you should always brake before a bend and not only in the bend.


Chapter 2.1.08

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