
Question: 2.1.08-103

3 Points

Licenses: B C C1 D D1

How can you reduce the risk of driving onto a motorway against the stipulated direction?

Choose one or multiple correct answers
  • A. I deliberately look for traffic signs showing the right direction of travel at motorway slip roads
  • B. I pay close attention to the signage when the traffic routing changes
  • C. When encountering roadworks, I only follow the information provided by my navigation system

Most students learn on the ClickClickDrive app. It is available for Android and iOS.

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Correct answer

  • A. I deliberately look for traffic signs showing the right direction of travel at motorway slip roads
  • B. I pay close attention to the signage when the traffic routing changes


To avoid driving against the direction of travel on the motorway, you should always pay attention to the relevant traffic signs. It is very important to pay attention to the exact signs, especially when the traffic routing has changed.


Chapter 2.1.08

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